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Abstract (English):
the article is devoted to the analysis of the reasons and circumstances of the formation of the anti-Shiite policy of the Abbasids, pursued by them after the first representatives of this dynasty came to power. Having used the Shiʻite movement to their advantage at the stage of the anti-Umayyad uprising, the Abbasids were subsequently forced to break with it. This was expressed not only in the suppression of open anti-Abbasid Shiʻite uprisings, as was the case, for example, with the speech of Muhammad b. ʻAbd Allah an-Nafs az-Zakiyya, but also in the invention of official propaganda arguments testifying in favor of the legitimacy of the dynasty that came to power. At first, this argument was based on the legend of the “yellow scroll” containing secret knowledge, which was allegedly transmitted by the son of Muhammad b. al-Hanafiyi Abu Hashim to the great-grandson of al-ʻAbbas b. ʻAbd al-Muttalib Muhammad b. ʻAli. Later, during the reign of Caliph al-Mahdi (775–785), the thesis was formulated about the transition of the Imamate after the death of the Prophet not to Ali b. Abi Talib, but to Muhammad’s uncle al-ʻAbbas b. ʻAbd al-Muttalib. It is concluded that during the reign of the first Abbasids (from al-Saffah to al-Hadi), they carried out not only a final and, what is fundamentally important, ideologically justified break with the Shiʻite movement, but also a forced turn to the policy of the former Umayyad dynasty in relation to the Shiʻites.

Abbasids, Abu ‘Abdallah Ja’far al-Sadiq, Abu Muslim, Alids, al-Mansur, al-Mahdi, al-Saffah, imamat, Muhammad b. ʻAbd Allah an-Nafs az-Zakiyya, caliph, shiʻites.
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