Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Social upbringing in a transforming society remains insufficiently studied in philosophy. In modern educational publications on the philosophy of education, the topic of the philosophy of upbringing is mostly absent. The purpose of the article was to analyze the negative characteristics of a transforming society that influence social upbringing. The study was carried out based on a systematic scientific approach. Turning to the problems of the philosophy of upbringing, an attempt is made to identify its most significant characteristics. It has been revealed that, in general, domestic authors assign an additional role to the philosophy of upbringing. It is indicated that the modern social situation is characterized by categories – crisis, revolution, time of change, challenges, transformations, etc., therefore, the crisis also affected social education. This is due to the “vectors of revolution” (according to A.V. Mudrik), which are reflected in social upbringing. Moreover, new challenges arise, reflected in the needs that social upbringing must resolve. The conclusions indicate that social upbringing in a transforming society should focus on solving the challenges, needs, and problems that arise in a transforming society. The author expresses concern about the transformation of the younger generation into victims of socialization. As a result of the study, a classification of the antipodes of social upbringing was developed. The results of the study, for example, can be used for further theoretical research on social upbringing, the characteristics of a transforming society, and the antipodes of social upbringing. In the practice of social upbringing, the results can be used in modeling and planning social upbringing at various levels.

social upbringing, philosophy of upbringing, philosophy of social upbringing, transforming society.
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