The relevance of improving the methods of engineering and environmental survey of coastal protection objects is determined by their existing violations, which reduce environmental safety in general and create a danger for the organization of tourism on the coast. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the choice of bank protection structures during the reconstruction of the beaches of the Crimean coast in the conditions of recreational specialization of the region. The nature and extent of deformations of the coastal zone of the sea and shore protection structures on the coast of the Kalamitsky Bay of the Black Sea are described. The authors proposed the design and location of the breakwater, which will make it possible to more effectively cope with the damping of waves during a storm period compared to classical breakwaters. Materials and methods. The study of the state of coastal territories and the solution of problems of coastal protection structures is based on the theory of geomorphology of the surface and underwater parts of the coast, the regularities of the hydrophysical parameters of the sea in the coastal zone, and climatic and seismic conditions. The methods of field observations and experimental studies in the wave basin were used to take into account the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on the ecological parameters of the coastal zone of the Crimean coast. Results. In 2022, a team of authors carried out a visual survey of the coast in the territory of the Bakhchisaray district of the Republic of Crimea with a total length of 11.5 km. from s. Coastal to with. Angular. As a result of the inspection, sections of the coast that are potentially dangerous to the health and life of people and are not suitable for normal use for recreational purposes were identified. Conclusions. Long-term field observations show that the creation of bank protection in certain local areas, having given only a temporary positive effect for these areas, can have a very negative impact on neighboring and even remote areas; that is why the issue of protecting the coast should be resolved at least on the scale of the coast of settlements, taking into account the conditions of a single system. The shape of the coast protection structure proposed by the authors can make it possible to more effectively dampen waves compared to classical rectangular breakwaters. However, when designing coastal protection measures, it should be taken into account that separate protection of small areas of eroded coastal territories within a large zone of eroded coast is ineffective, since adjacent unprotected shores will recede under the influence of a system of natural factors.
bank protection, inspection, ecological state, breakwater, Crimea, recreational areas
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