The article reveals the specificity of literary product placement as a writer’s strategy of forming a positive attitude to the brand. Product placement is considered as a socio-communicative technology that influences the formation of consumer patterns through the identification of the reader with the hero of a work of fiction. The components of this communication model are defined by the following features: the plurality of the subject – the sender of the message, the mass character of the object – the recipient, the media product of the entertainment industry as a communication channel and a special type of coding of the message – not a direct address to the audience, but the impact through the image and actions of heroes as representatives of the reference group. The article defines the criteria of identification of product placement in a work of fiction. The article points out the disadvantages of literary product placement from the point of view of marketing approach and the factors, the attention of the subjects of communication to which increases the success of this technology of delivery of advertising messages. Tactics of embedding the brand name in the artistic text and forming its positive image to increase audience loyalty and influence consumer behavior are revealed.
advertising, product placement, brand, brand-dependent consumption, mass literature, plot, communicative tactics, J. Kenner
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